
Anyone with children will agree that there are days when you wish there weren’t laws against infanticide. This week has been pretty tough, with me staying up late and having two toddlers that wake up at 8am on the nose. I know, I know, I should make an effort to head for bed earlier, so I can get up with them. Unfortunately, nature has a sense of humor, and has made me a natural night owl with insomnia. Soooo, I’m up until 1-3am, and then want to sleep in them morning. So that’s what I did yesterday, after getting the girls comfortably ensconced in front of a movie. Only problem: as soon as I fell asleep, they decided to take advantage of it.

When I woke up, I found out that they’d gotten into my makeup. There was a whole bottle of foundation spilled onto the floor, a palette of eyeshadow had been completely  disintegrated, and everything else was scattered all over. They were put in their room, and not allowed out for the rest of the day, which was about how long it took me to clean the house from their shenanigans. They’d climbed to the top of a bookshelf, dumping all the books in the process, and then knocking down my box of Apples to Apples (which has a lot of cards). All their toys were on the floor, and it was, in general, a giant mess.

After dinner in their room, they were read a couple stories and put to bed, and I was finally able to relax. My boyfriend came over and we watched a movie (The Reaping), and then played Magic: the Gathering.

The Reaping is a very interesting movie, with a giant twist at the end. Basic premise is that a small town in the bayou is being troubled with plagues. The ten plagues from Exodus, to be precise. The townsfolk blame it on a 12 year old girl, and are trying to hunt her down and kill her. The special effects in the movie are fantastic, and if you can watch the extras, watch the one about the locusts, it’ll give you a laugh. Not a lot of action, and Blockbuster had it in the drama section, which seems about right. It has a slight element of horror, but if you’re the emotional type, it will probably make you cry (only reason I didn’t is because I was still too uptight because of the girls). Overall, I’d give it 7.5 stars out of 10, though it probably deserves more than that. Last night I needed something highly violent, which The Reaping isn’t.

Went to bed at 1:30 or so, after insisting I wasn’t going to stay up late, but I’m OK today. Nap time is good, and I’ll probably start being more strict about the girls doing it simply for my sanity’s sake. Really can’t wait for school to start again, because that’s a stress that I can deal with so much more easily.