New Movies and Old Friends

Well, the last couple of days have been very interesting. Blockbuster has released a number of new movies, some highly anticipated, others… well, not so much. Among the recent releases is Lockdown, which was, unfortunately, already completely checked out by the time I got there. What was available were two indie films, called Family Demons and The Intruders. Here’s the breakdown on these:

Family Demons: unless you like long, boring, wish-this-were-over-already type movies, I really don’t recommend this. The story is great, don’t get me wrong, but it needed a different director and a higher budget. It also needed some action instead of the 20 times you watch water dripping in the sink or watch a clock second hand moving for 5-10 seconds. It has a moral, something that most people need to learn, but the movie could definitely have used a rewrite, reshoot, and reedit before being released.

The Intruders is another indie film, and is in both Spanish and English (subtitles in English are automatically present when you begin watching the movie). The movie follows the lives of two children: Mia and Juan, one in England, the other in Spain, and both are haunted by a ‘monster’ called Hollowface, who wants to steal their faces. While not high in the action or gore area, this movie is an intense psychological thriller, that keeps you interested to the end. They ended on exactly the right note, and this is definitely a film I would recommend to anyone who enjoys suspense. One interesting point, when the movie was over, and I thought back over the movie, an interesting thought occurred to me. If anyone had told me the storyline all the way through, I never would have watched it. Based purely on the plot, one wouldn’t think it could be a good movie, but on screen it is actually quite terrifying and riveting. This indie film gets two thumbs up from me!

The old friends portion of this post refers to an old forum I used to post on, a literary RPG forum. The basic premise is to create a character (or several), and write in their interactions with other peoples’ characters. You may not write what another character does, including dying (so no, A kills B with a quick snap of the neck). It means very few characters die in the forum, which is probably good for me. Anyway, I’ve been off the forum since October-November last year, and for some reason started thinking about it again last night. Then I got an email from the moderator asking me if I could come back, that everyone was missing me and my characters. So, I guess I’m going to hop back into that world again, which should be good for freeing up my creative juices to possibly begin working on that novel rewrite that should have been done by now.

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